In our second decade of support some still wonder . . . What is the Tee Jay Vikings Fund and what do they do? Well, we are nothing without your support and donations. But with your donations, support, and help this is who we are and this is just some of what we have done. Stay Tuned!

  1. Present two $1,500 scholarships annually to graduating seniors (Since 2015)
  2. Provide nutritional assistance for extracurricular activities
  3. Provide Teacher Appreciation Week and Welcome Back luncheons annually
  4. Purchased a new Batting Cage for the baseball team
  5. Fund reading incentive programs annually
  6. Purchased a second gym scoreboard 
  7. Purchased clay for the baseball field pitcher’s mound
  8. Purchased new baseball practice jerseys
  9. Purchased 80 copies of Teacher Training manuals
  10. Purchased 15 folding work tables
  11. Purchased bottled water for summer band practice
  12. Purchased $4,500 of necessary marching band equipment
  13. Participated in Teacher Appreciation recognition luncheons during Covid 
  14. Purchased 21 library computers
  15. Renovated the boy’s varsity locker room
  16. Installed a state of art coed weight room
  17. Provided team uniforms for:
    • Cheerleading
    • Soccer
    • Basketball
    • football
  18. Hosted Fundraising Dinners & Silent Auctions
  19. Installed Scoreboards
    • Football & soccer 
    • Football uprights
    • Baseball (first ever in the history of the school)
    • 2 Gym scoreboards
  20. Purchased and installed 75+ dry erase boards
  21. 3 Fundraising events at Travinia Italian Kitchen
  22. Robotics Club partnership
  23. Installed a new school marquee
  24. Installed Athletic field irrigation
  25. Renovated coaches’ office, storage room & laundry room
  26. Funded and Conducted Student Nutrition & Cooking Class (SNaCC) 
  27. Provided bus transportation assistance
  28. Launched “Forever A Viking” campaign
  29. Hosted 1st annual Homecoming Pancake Brunch Fundraiser
  30. In cooperation with Westwood Baptist Church & Hope Church-Feeding Future Leaders (FFL) after school meals for students participating in extracurricular activities 
  31. Reupholstered 22 chairs in the library, saving the school over $2000 in replacement costs
  32. Assembled lady’s softball team benches

And the list continues to grow.

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