A new year full of new opportunities awaits. The TJVF wishes the 2023 scholarship winners well as they start their next chapters!

Ayanah Hanks earned the $1,500 TJVF Scholarship. Ayanah will attend Old Dominion University and plans to major in Computer Science.  She was a member of the National Honor Society, the Robotics team, and the Key Club where she served as vice president her senior year, while at TJ.

Darius Williams earned the $1,500 Albert Negrin Scholarship. Darius will be attending Old Dominion University and plans to major in Sports Management.  At TJ, he was the  captain of the Boy’s Basketball  team his junior and senior years, member of the Key Club,  Yearbook committee, and served as a youth usher in his church.

If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to the TJVF to support future scholarship recipients, then visit our website using the link https://teejayvikingsfund.org/donations/tjvf/

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